
Tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data.

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Group: SAM/BAM

Annotates existing BAM files with UMIs (Unique Molecular Indices, aka Molecular IDs, Molecular barcodes) from separate FASTQ files. Takes an existing BAM file and either one FASTQ file with UMI reads or multiple FASTQs if there are multiple UMIs per template, matches the reads between the files based on read names, and produces an output BAM file where each record is annotated with an optional tag (specified by attribute) that contains the read sequence of the UMI. Trailing read numbers (/1 or /2) are removed from FASTQ read names, as is any text after whitespace, before matching. If multiple UMI segments are specified (see --read-structure) across one or more FASTQs, they are delimited in the same order as FASTQs are specified on the command line. The delimiter is controlled by the --delimiter option.

The --read-structure option may be used to specify which bases in the FASTQ contain UMI bases. Otherwise it is assumed the FASTQ contains only UMI bases.

The --sorted option may be used to indicate that the FASTQ has the same reads and is sorted in the same order as the BAM file.

At the end of execution, reports how many records were processed and how many were missing UMIs. If any read from the BAM file did not have a matching UMI read in the FASTQ file, the program will exit with a non-zero exit status. The --fail-fast option may be specified to cause the program to terminate the first time it finds a records without a matching UMI.

In order to avoid sorting the input files, the entire UMI fastq file(s) is read into memory. As a result the program needs to be run with memory proportional the size of the (uncompressed) fastq(s). Use the --sorted option to traverse the UMI fastq and BAM files assuming they are in the same order. More precisely, the UMI fastq file will be traversed first, reading in the next set of BAM reads with same read name as the UMI’s read name. Those BAM reads will be annotated. If no BAM reads exist for the UMI, no logging or error will be reported.


Name Flag Type Description Required? Max # of Values Default Value(s)
input i PathToBam The input SAM or BAM file. Required 1  
fastq f PathToFastq Input FASTQ(s) with UMI reads. Required Unlimited  
output o PathToBam Output BAM file to write. Required 1  
attribute t String The BAM attribute to store UMI bases in. Optional 1 RX
qual-attribute q String The BAM attribute to store UMI qualities in. Optional 1  
read-structure r ReadStructure The read structure for the FASTQ, otherwise all bases will be used. Required Unlimited +M
sorted s Boolean Whether the FASTQ file is sorted in the same order as the BAM. Optional 1 false
fail-fast   Boolean If set, fail on the first missing UMI. Optional 1 false