
Tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data.

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Group: VCF/BCF

Applies one or more filters to a VCF of somatic variants. The VCF must contain genotype information for the tumor sample. If the VCF also contains genotypes for one or more other samples, the --sample option must be provided to specify the sample whose genotypes to examine and whose reads are present in the BAM file.

Various options are available for filtering the reads coming from the BAM file, including --min-mapping-quality, --min-base-quality and --paired-reads-only. The latter filters to only paired end reads where both reads are mapped. Reads marked as duplicates, secondary alignments and supplemental alignments are all filtered out.

Each available filter may generate annotations in the INFO field of the output VCF and optionally, if a threshold is specified, may apply one or more FILTERs to applicable variants.

In previous versions of this tool, the only available filter was specific to A-base addition artifacts and was referred to as the ‘End Repair Artifact Filter.’ This filter has been renamed to ‘A-tailing Artifact Filter’, but its functionality is unchanged. The filter’s associated command-line parameters, INFO field key, and FILTER tag have also been renamed accordingly, as described below.

Available Filters

A-tailing Artifact Filter (previously ‘End Repair Artifact Filter’)

The A-tailing artifact filter attempts to measure the probability that a single-nucleotide mismatch is the product of errors in the template generated during the A-base addition steps that are common to many Illumina library preparation protocols. The artifacts occur if/when a recessed 3’ end is incorrectly filled in with one
or more adenines during A-base addition. Incorrect adenine incorporation presents specifically as errors to T at the beginning of reads (and in very short templates, as matching errors to A at the ends of reads).

The filter adds the INFO field ATAP (previously ERAP) to SNVs with an A or T alternate allele. This field records the p-value representing the probability of the null hypothesis that the variant is a true mutation, so lower p-values indicate that the variant is more likely an A-tailing artifact. If a threshold p-value is specified, the FILTER tag ATailingArtifact (previously EndRepairArtifact) will be applied to variants with p-values less than or equal to the threshold.

Two options are available:

End Repair Fill-in Artifact Filter

The end repair fill-in artifact filter attempts to measure the probability that a single-nucleotide mismatch is the product of an error in the template generated during the end repair fill-in step that is common to many Illumina library preparation protocols, in which single-stranded 3’ overhangs are filled in to create a blunt end. These artifacts originate from single-stranded templates containing damaged bases, often as a consequence of oxidative damage. These DNA lesions, for example 8-oxoguanine, undergo mismatched pairing, which after PCR appear as mutations at the ends of reads.

The filter adds the INFO field ERFAP to records SNVs. This field records the p-value representing the probability of the null hypothesis (e.g. that the variant is a true mutation), so lower p-values indicate that the variant is more likely an end repair fill-in artifact. If a threshold p-value is specified, then the FILTER tag EndRepairFillInArtifact will be applied to variants with p-values less than or equal to the threshold.

Two options are available:

Performance Expectations

By default --access-pattern will be set to RandomAccess and the input BAM will be queried using index-based random access. Random access is mandatory if the input VCF is not coordinate sorted. If random access is not requested and the input VCF is not coordinate sorted, then an exception will be raised on the first non-coordinate increasing VCF record found. The BAM must be coordinate sorted in all cases and additionally be indexed if random access is requested.

Often, a VCF file will contain a sparse set of records that are scattered across a given territory within a genome (or the records will be sparsely scattered genome-wide). If the territory of the VCF records is markedly smaller than the territory of all aligned SAM records in the BAM file, then random access may be the most efficient BAM access pattern. However, there are cases where random access will be less efficient such as when the VCF is coordinate sorted and the variant call records are very densely packed across a similar territory as compared to all aligned SAM records. Such a case is common in deeply sequenced hybrid selection NGS experiments and setting --access-pattern to Streaming will often be the most efficient BAM access pattern.


Name Flag Type Description Required? Max # of Values Default Value(s)
input i PathToVcf Input VCF of somatic variant calls. Required 1  
output o PathToVcf Output VCF of filtered somatic variants. Required 1  
bam b PathToBam BAM file for the tumor sample. Required 1  
sample s String Sample name in VCF if > 1 sample present. Optional 1  
min-mapping-quality m Int Minimum mapping quality for reads. Optional 1 20
min-base-quality q Int Minimum base quality. Optional 1 20
paired-reads-only p Boolean Use only paired reads mapped in pairs. Optional 1 false
access-pattern A BamAccessPattern The type of BAM access pattern to use. Optional 1 RandomAccess
a-tailing-distance   Int Distance from 5-prime end of read to implicate A-base addition artifacts. Set to :none: to deactivate the filter. Optional 1 2
a-tailing-p-value   Double Minimum acceptable p-value for the A-base addition artifact test. Optional 1  
end-repair-fill-in-distance   Int Distance from 5-prime end of read to implicate end repair fill-in artifacts. Set to :none: to deactivate the filter. Optional 1 15
end-repair-fill-in-p-value   Double Minimum acceptable p-value for the end repair fill-in artifact test. Optional 1