
Tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data.

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Group: Basecalling

Extracts information about an Illumina sequencing run from the RunInfo.xml.

The output file will contain a header column and a single column containing the following rows:

  1. run_barcode: the unique identifier for the sequencing run and flowcell, stored as <instrument-name>_<flowcell-barcode>.
  2. flowcell_barcode: the flowcell barcode.
  3. instrument_name: the instrument name.
  4. run_date: the date of the sequencing run.
  5. read_structure: the description of the logical structure of cycles within the sequencing run, including which cycles correspond to sample barcodes, molecular barcodes, template bases, and bases that should be skipped.
  6. number_of_lanes: the number of lanes in the flowcell.


Name Flag Type Description Required? Max # of Values Default Value(s)
input i FilePath The input RunInfo.xml typically found in the run folder. Required 1  
output o FilePath The output file. Required 1