
Tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data.

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Group: SAM/BAM

Consensus calls overlapping bases in read pairs.

Inputs and Outputs

In order to correctly correct reads by template, the input BAM must be either queryname sorted or query grouped. The sort can be done in streaming fashion with:

samtools sort -n -u in.bam | fgbio CallOverlappingConsensusBases -i /dev/stdin ...

The output sort order may be specified with --sort-order. If not given, then the output will be in the same order as input.

The reference FASTA must be given so that any existing NM, UQ and MD tags can be repaired.


Only mapped read pairs with overlapping bases will be eligible for correction.

Each read base from the read and its mate that map to same position in the reference will be used to create a consensus base as follows:

  1. If the base agree, then the chosen agreement strategy (--agreement-strategy) will be used.
  2. If the base disagree, then the chosen disagreement strategy (--disagreement-strategy) will be used.

The agreement strategies are as follows:

In the context of disagreement strategies, masking a base will make the base an “N” with base quality phred-value “2”. The disagreement strategies are as follows:


Name Flag Type Description Required? Max # of Values Default Value(s)
input i PathToBam Input SAM or BAM file of aligned reads. Required 1  
output o PathToBam Output SAM or BAM file. Required 1  
metrics m FilePath Output metrics file. Required 1  
ref r PathToFasta Reference sequence fasta file. Required 1  
threads   Int The number of threads to use while consensus calling. Optional 1 1
sort-order S SamOrder The sort order of the output. If not given, output will be in the same order as input if the input. Optional 1  
agreement-strategy   AgreementStrategy The strategy to consensus call when both bases agree. See the usage for more details Optional 1 Consensus
disagreement-strategy   DisagreementStrategy The strategy to consensus call when both bases disagree. See the usage for more details Optional 1 Consensus