Tools for working with genomic and high throughput sequencing data.
Group: Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs)
Calls consensus sequences from reads with the same unique molecular tag.
Reads with the same unique molecular tag are examined base-by-base to assess the likelihood of each base in the source molecule. The likelihood model is as follows:
This tool assumes that reads with the same tag are grouped together (consecutive in the file). Also, this tool calls each end of a pair independently, and does not jointly call bases that overlap within a pair. Insertion or deletion errors in the reads are not considered in the consensus model.
The consensus reads produced are unaligned, due to the difficulty and error-prone nature of inferring the conesensus alignment. Consensus reads should therefore be aligned after, which should not be too expensive as likely there are far fewer consensus reads than input raw raws. Please see how best to use this tool within the best-practice pipeline:
Particular attention should be paid to setting the --min-reads
parameter as this can have a dramatic effect on
both results and runtime. For libraries with low duplication rates (e.g. 100-300X exomes libraries) in which it
is desirable to retain singleton reads while making consensus reads from sets of duplicates, --min-reads=1
appropriate. For libraries with high duplication rates where it is desirable to only produce consensus reads
supported by 2+ reads to allow error correction, --min-reads=2
or higher is appropriate. After generation,
consensus reads can be further filtered using the FilterConsensusReads tool. As such it is always safe to run
with --min-reads=1
and filter later, but filtering at this step can improve performance significantly.
Consensus reads have a number of additional optional tags set in the resulting BAM file. The tags break down into those that are single-valued per read:
consensus depth [cD] (int) : the maximum depth of raw reads at any point in the consensus read
consensus min depth [cM] (int) : the minimum depth of raw reads at any point in the consensus read
consensus error rate [cE] (float): the fraction of bases in raw reads disagreeing with the final consensus calls
And those that have a value per base:
consensus depth [cd] (short[]): the count of bases contributing to the consensus read at each position
consensus errors [ce] (short[]): the number of bases from raw reads disagreeing with the final consensus base
The per base depths and errors are both capped at 32,767. In all cases no-calls (N
s) and bases below the
are not counted in tag value calculations.
Name | Flag | Type | Description | Required? | Max # of Values | Default Value(s) |
input | i | PathToBam | The input SAM or BAM file. | Required | 1 | |
output | o | PathToBam | Output SAM or BAM file to write consensus reads. | Required | 1 | |
rejects | r | PathToBam | Optional output SAM or BAM file to write reads not used. | Optional | 1 | |
tag | t | String | The SAM attribute with the unique molecule tag. | Optional | 1 | MI |
read-name-prefix | p | String | The Prefix all consensus read names | Optional | 1 | |
read-group-id | R | String | The new read group ID for all the consensus reads. | Optional | 1 | A |
error-rate-pre-umi | 1 | PhredScore | The Phred-scaled error rate for an error prior to the UMIs being integrated. | Optional | 1 | 45 |
error-rate-post-umi | 2 | PhredScore | The Phred-scaled error rate for an error post the UMIs have been integrated. | Optional | 1 | 40 |
min-input-base-quality | m | PhredScore | Ignore bases in raw reads that have Q below this value. | Optional | 1 | 10 |
min-consensus-base-quality | N | PhredScore | Deprecated: will be removed in future versions; use FilterConsensusReads to filter consensus bases on quality instead. Mask (make ‘N’) consensus bases with quality less than this threshold. | Optional | 1 | 2 |
min-reads | M | Int | The minimum number of reads to produce a consensus base. | Required | 1 | |
max-reads | Int | The maximum number of reads to use when building a consensus. If more than this many reads are present in a tag family, the family is randomly downsampled to exactly max-reads reads. | Optional | 1 | ||
output-per-base-tags | B | Boolean | If true produce tags on consensus reads that contain per-base information. | Optional | 1 | true |
sort-order | S | SamOrder | The sort order of the output, the same as the input if not given. | Optional | 1 | |
debug | D | Boolean | Turn on debug logging. | Optional | 1 | false |
threads | Int | The number of threads to use while consensus calling. | Optional | 1 | 1 | |
consensus-call-overlapping-bases | Boolean | Consensus call overlapping bases in mapped paired end reads | Optional | 1 | true |